Sunday, December 11, 2011

Robot and the bad man.

Robot was hurt. He was a bit beaten up but he was Ok. I didn't want to think about what they were trying to do to robot when Uriel showed up. Or was he already hurt. He laid across my lap. I gave him a bit of asprin to put him to sleep and let him sleep off his mysery. I am haapy he is alive. But this asshole of mine has got to be dealt with.

"You should be thinking negetivly while you are holding a sick being."

"oh. you came out of no where. how did you know what i was thinking."

I can hear you. I've seen you do everything.'
'eveverything? cause I mas...nevermind. Everything?'
You know what, I didn't want to know. I waved my hand as if to say. 'no, don't say anything.'
He got it smiled and lauged.

'Why? why not think negetivly holding an animal?'
'I think you know what i mean. but you want me to confirm it for you right?'
I knodded yes. I wanted to him to say whatbi knew out loud.

'You are a very powerful creature. All human beings are. and whatever energy you put out is felt by others because you are connected. So eminating hate or negetivity is passed on to this sick creature that you are directly in contact with . and it slows down his healing process. it's call depression.

Hmm. I did know that. Really I did.